Sunday, November 21, 2010


27 in STEREO!!

Everyone died at 27!

I have to take a short break from podcasting, unless you guys wanna send me some requests...a lot actually, please do it!!!

This has been a lot of fun, I don't want to ever quit, but I'm a little low on everything right now...send the vibes my way!! is where you can reach me!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

///20th\\\Hour///OF///GOLDEN///HITS & RARITIES\\\|||///STILL ROCKIN' until mornin'!!!\\\

20 HOURS of awesome stoked on this like it's hour one...ready for more, and send requests to ---- SRSLY, folks...let's hear it!!!

FOR a STEREO filled time!!
FOR a MONO blast!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

18 is the luckiest (L//U//C//K//Y//essss) number|||\\\|||\\\|||\\\|||\\\

HEY cat daddies and hat mammas, I'm BAAAA-ACK, like Barbara Acklin!! Another Sanda image up there, see this movie!!! It never leaves my mindspace! Dom-dom-dominating!!!

Get loose with THE MONO!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

///15 Reasons to Love the '60's (In 23 parts)///!!!(and a bunch of those reasons were born in '59)!!!///|||\\\

Got some doo wop tunes here for you, a little more garage this time around, and more soul classics, or should've been classics. Send me your reguests!! !!!///|||\\\!!!

In STEREO, the full effect on half the tunes!!
In MONO, for real single lovin'!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11th Transmission of Heavenly Grooves!!!

11 keeps coming up lately, 11's everywhere!! Most people think it's a good number, do you? I can't wait for 12, working on it now. Different vibe on this 'cast, hope you dig. We're takin' the ride together, friends!! TRIP OUT!!!

MONOphonic transmission!